Evaluation of stop motion formats
Clay animation or claymation is one of several forms of stop motion animation. Each animated piece, either character or background, is "deformable"—made of a malleable substance, usually Plasticine clay.
All traditional animation is produced in a similar fashion, whether done through cel animation or stop motion. Each frame, or still picture, is recorded on film or digital media and then played back in rapid succession. Chicken run was produced in the year 2000 usuing the claymation techniques. the film was produced by the Aardan Animations Compnay. it was also made in the same studio as Wallace and Gromit.
Cutout animation is a technique for producing animations using flat characters, props and backgrounds cut from materials such as paper, card, stiff fabric or even photographs.
Charlie and Lola are characters created by author and illustrator Lauren Child They were introduced in a series of picture books and later adapted as animated television stars. Although their main audience is children three to seven years old, the books and shows are popular with adults for their humorous storylines. Lola is an energetic, imaginative little girl; Charlie is a patient and kind older brother who has his work cut out (but is always willing) to help Lola learn and grow.
In the death star canteen animation the lego characters and already made through factory techniques. this is an easier way to create animationas it is a lot more easier to move the parts of the lego character. the target audience would be young people who are not only interested in lego but also interested in star wars. if the creator's used a different filming technique's then the characters wouldn't move, therefore using an animation allows them to take pictures of the characters then move the characters then take another picture. The target audience for this type of animation would be young people depending on who the film was going to be shown to and what the film was going to have in it because with lego you can make a lot of different things. Stop motion would have to be used here because otherwise there is no way of making the ego characters move, so the only easy and simple way of doing it would be to take pictures of the characters and then move them slightly and then take more pictures and then repeating the process. The way in which the animators of this type if animation format go about animating lego is very similar to when other people use stop motion.
In the kindle advert people and objects are already created the produces don't have to make them out of clay or any other time of material. the target audience for this advert is really anyone who is interested in reading or interested in technology, this will range from young people to old people there isn't a specific age that like/enjoy reading. stop motion is perfect to use as it allows the objects to move in a certain direction at the same time, where as if you used other ways to film this it wouldn't work and the objects and people would be in sync. The target audience for this animation isn't really specific as anything can be made like this, there is nothing that makes appeal to a certain age group. Stop motion would have to be used because it has a lot of different things have to moved in a certain direction at the same time so a normal way of filming would not really work because the objects would have to be moved by people and therefore you would see them doing this.
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