Friday, 7 June 2013

Interview questions

-How does it feel to be known as a celebrity? 

As an opening question i feel that this is a very strong question due to that fact he will open up to us right at the beginning about how he is well known for being the only blind personal trainer in the UK.

-What made you become a personal trainer?

This question allows james to not only outline but also go into depth about his past and how he became a personal trainer. this is a powerful question to ask as some people would find this question emotional as some people don't like to talk about there past, but we decided to ask this question as we know that james wouldn't take any offense to it and is comfortable to talk about his past with us.

-What do you like most about being a personal trainer?

This to me is not our most strongest question as i feel that our response will be very typical in him just explaining that he enjoys exercise and it gives him something to achieve what many people would think a man with no sight could do.

-What’s been the biggest challenge about being a personal trainer?

This is just a question we feel would be good to put into our interview as it gives James a chance to talk about his goals and struggles about being a personal trainer, although this is a chilled question it also gives James the chance to tell us a lot more about his personal training life.

-How old were you when you when you lost your sight?

This is a very powerful questions as it is a sensitive question to ask someone when they have had a serious illness like James has, but by previously meeting with james we found out that james doesn't mind talking about how he lost his sight therefore this question to james isn't a very sensitive question to ask. 

-How long did it take to you adjust to being blind?

This to me isn't a very strong question to ask, its actully a very good question to ask james as it will allow james to feel relaxed after the last question we asked him. 

-You’re very involved in the charity Save the Children, have you got any major events planned for the future? 

This isn't a powerful question to ask james its actually the complete opposite this question is a great question to show people who are watching out interview that you can do anything you want in life as long as you put your mind to it. 

-Have you set your self any goals to complete in your life? 

This question is a nice question to ask james as it gives james a chance to show people what a blind person can do and it will show people that the fact he is blind wont stop him doing anything in life. 

-Will you ever let the fact that you are blind stop you doing anything?

This again lets james show people that as long as you stay strong mentally you can achieve and do anything you want in life. Therefore this question isn't powerful at all only in the sense of the message james is putting out. 

- What inspiring advice would you give to someone who has recently lost their vision?

This again lets james show people who have recently lost there sight not to give up no matter what. the only powefull thing in this question is the message that james is sending out. 

We believe that all these questions were perfect to get a entertaining interview. We was pleased with our new questions and we are now prepared to go ahead and film our interview. The other thing we like about our new questions is that, knowing james from previous meetings we know that he can go off topic sometimes which in this case is good as we can go on and elaborate on the answer and aske questions from that,.

1 comment:

  1. This is much improved Kristie, you have done this work up to Distinction level as requested.
