Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Interview & Evaluation

Interview Evaluation

During the interviews which myself Ryan and Elliott took part in where we each took a turn to play the interviewer and interviewee, we came across some really good questions which were asked and some questions which didn’t really receive a good answer. During the interview where Ryan interviewed me we found that the best question, which was asked, was ‘So…do you think being surrounded by boys affects your learning’? The reason we found this the best question asked in this particular interview was because I gave a long and descriptive answer which explained that I don’t feel that working in an environment where there is mainly boys is distractive I also went into detail by saying how I feel that I mainly get on with boys rather then girls. We also came up with the conclusion that there was a question with the worst response, the question was ‘Rumors have it that if your in an all boys school it is really hard to study and concentrate because people are always looking for attention’.
The reason we chose this as our worst response was because when I replied to Ryan I only used a one worded answer which meant that I cut the interviewer short and that question was over and done with within a few seconds. I also feel that during the interview with Ryan it was really informal and more of a casual conversation rather than an interview which is good to a certain extend as you dont want to read and ask questions which you have prepared earlier and then just listening to the response, however you need to balance out the interview to make it formal however casual as well.   In the interview with myself and Ryan where Ryan portrayed the role of the interviewer he mainly did most of the speaking whereas it should have been myself the interviewee doing most of the talking, to resolve this mater next time we would use different questions which I could expand on and talk more about instead of giving short answers in response.
We then moved on to the next interview where myself interview Elliott and Ryan filmed. This interview went surprisingly well considering the topic of our interview was about Elliot’s car (whip!) and driving experience, Elliott was talking about the day of the test and the cars, myself being the interviewer found it really easier to expand on questions and rhetorical questions and could feed off of the answers he gave.                                                                                                                                                                           

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