Friday, 15 February 2013

Story Ideas

Documentary research 

idea 1- my first idea is to create a documentary based on the uk's first
 blind fitness instructor. his name is Jame's O'Driscoll, he is 38 and was diagonesed with optic neuropathy.

One morning, construction worker James O’Driscoll woke to discover he couldn’t see from his left eye. Over the next few weeks, the sight in his right eye deteriorated too, leaving him completely blind. After months of testing and extended stays in hospital, the 26-year-old from Bromley, Kent was diagnosed with Leber's Optic Neuropathy, a rare genetic condition that affects just one in 20 million people.

when we researched and found james we was fascinated by his sheer dedication to overcome his illness. we was impressed with how he overcome the illness not only mentally but physically.

He struggled to cope with his disability, finding solace in junk food, cigarettes and alcohol. His moment of clarity, however, came four years after losing his sight, when he realized it didn’t have to stop him leading a relatively normal life. He cast aside his vices and began exercising. Now, at the age* s is England’s first blind qualified personal trainer, having exceeded the expectations of all those around him. For the determination and tenacity he showed to become a fitness professional, James O’Driscoll is the MH Man of the Month.

Loss: The radio station which allowed two of its DJs to prank call the Duchess of Cambridge's hospital has suspended all advertising on its shows. 2day FM radio hosts Mel Greig, left, and Michael Christian, right, are pictured idea2- our second idea was to base our documentary on the radio station that prank called kate mideltons hospital. we wanted to firstly highlight the key points on why they did it and the controversy that it caused also the consequence it had on someone's life. we also wanted to get a non biased view from the public on the prank call, i would also like to document what consequences it has on the radio station and what the police intend to do. this prank calls has caused an uproar worldwide and has also put a invasion in the privacy of the most security family in the world. if it was that easy to find out information on kate in hospital what else can people find out about the royal family?
idea3- my third idea was to base our documentry on an insperational english architectue called norman robert foster. Norman has designed many famous building around england some of his most spectacular designs are the hearst tower in new york, torre caja madrid in madrid and the Gherkin. all off these building's are very spectacular. i wanted to base my documentary on the design and structure of the Gherkin. i wanted to display special features of the building and the history and designs behind the making of the gherkin. into my research of norman i was also going to display some of his other projects he has created around london. 

Location Reece

Location Recce 

The location for our documentary will be located in Virgin Health Club located in Bromley.
The reason in which we have chose to film our documentary here is because this is where James spends most of his life working as a personal trainer. We also thought it would be a good idea to locate our documentary here because we would be able to capture some great shots of James completely the 300 challenge work out. 
The only issue we could think of when deciding where to locate our documentary was the fact the gym has 6,000 members and nearly 1,300 members use the gym on a day to day basis. We would have to speak to some people incase they were captured in the shot to ask for their permission and also we had to be careful of the level of the noise that would be in the gym at the time of our filming.

Documentary Plan

In our introduction we want to include a variety of clips. We firstly wanted to give the audience a brief into what our documentary is actually about. we will do this by voice overs, video clips and text. the clips that we want to include are off james and his fellow trainees working out preparing for the 300 work out. we want to include a short into james and his life. we don't want to include in the beginning about james being blind we want to tell the audience later on in the documentary about his illness. in the introduction we want to show james in his normally day to day life working out, training and just generally introducing us to his generally, life by this i mean his age, family life and maybe past jobs just generally informing us about his life. in some of the clips we want a voice over. i also want to include a variety of shots of james personal training, as i believe this is a vital this to include and document about not only james success but his day to day life, his job.                    

In the middle of the documentary we want to include the workout taking place, we will shoot a variety of shots varying for angles and height. i want to include a voice over of james talking about his illness, i want to document his illness with the success that he has achieved since this illness occurred. near the end of the documentary i want to include the ending of the charity event, the pain and suffering that this 300 workout has caused, and the sheer dedication and time that has been put into not only training for the event but the preparation of the event. 

At ending of the documentary i want to include people speaking about the event, james giving his overall thought of the event and how it went. i want to include interviews with the people he works with day to day. i also want to include a short clip of james explaining what he wants to do in the future with the charity very close to him save the children.

 interview/voice over of how he feels the event went and to sum up the charity event.

The 300 Workout

a) Pull-ups – 25 reps
b) Deadlifts with 135lbs – 50 reps
c) Push-ups – 50 reps
d) 24" box jumps – 50 reps
e) Floor wipers – 50 reps
f) Single-arm clean-and-press with 36lbs kettlebell – 50 reps
g) Pull-ups – 25 reps

Risk assesment

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Ideas Mind Map

My first idea for our advert is we want to present our teenage trust logo we want to include pictures and animation that would appeal our teenage audience. We want to include what our charity does and how one day it could be benefiting them. In this we want to include animation, real life footage and life font and pictures.  From our feedback sheets we discovered that people thought that our idea was basic but is very effective at the same time. Some people said that this idea isn’t very appealing.

My second idea of our advert is we want to present our logo in an animation that will consist of many pictures of people that this charity has helped we want to present our charity and make people aware of what we do. We want to make sure that our logo is present throughout out the advert, as we want our logo to be memorized by everyone. We will create this by using animation real life footage and pictures. Our feedback sheets showed us that this idea would be a very good to get people to memorize our logo but doesn’t inform people enough information on what the charity actually does. 

My third idea for our advert is to have a well-known recent sound track with animations that would appeal to the teenagers; we want it to include bright colours as this will draw the teenagers into watching our advert. We want to include short sentences that explain our charity we also want our logo present throughout. This idea we was told is very boring, even though we have a sound track people don’t feel as though this will appeal and draw in the teenagers attention.

My fifth idea is for our advert to consists of a number of images of people who teenage cancer trust has helped. We to show the celebrities that work with our charity. We want all the people to be present on screen then our logo will fade in with some information on the charity. This idea we was told is very creative but to make this more appealing we should present faces of people that this charity has helped not just the celebrities that work with the charity. 

My fifth idea for our advert is to have pictures of people who our charity have helped and in the background we want moving cut out bits of paper that will change colour and shapes, we just need to make sure that our advert is entertaining and will appeal to teenagers. Out of all of our ideas this idea was the most popular, people said that this advert is not only informative but is also entertaining it isn’t boring.

Equipment List

Equipment list 

All the equipment we need is listed below for our documentary. All the other equipment we need is already in the gym ready for us  to use when we film part of our documentary.

The camera that we are going to use is a sony HD Pj260VE full HD camera. this camera will be used to film our in tire interview. this camera we will loan of our schoo. we choose to use this camera as it has a very sensitive microphone that will pick up the majority of sound that we want it to.

We are also going to use a camera stand. By us using a camera stand will allow us to have perfectly still camera shots and will allow our interview to be still not to have wonky moving shots. we choose to use a stand as well as it will make our interview allot more professional.

We need to take a phone each as this will allow us to contact each other in case we get lost in virgin active health club. we can also use our phones to track time so that we can make sure that our interview isn't too long but also isn't to short.

We need to take a clip board pen and paper so that we can have our questions clearly shown to us so that we know exactly the questions that we want to ask. We will use a pen to tick off each question as it is asked so that we don't ask the same question twice as this would make our interview not very professional.


Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Interview & Evaluation

Interview Evaluation

During the interviews which myself Ryan and Elliott took part in where we each took a turn to play the interviewer and interviewee, we came across some really good questions which were asked and some questions which didn’t really receive a good answer. During the interview where Ryan interviewed me we found that the best question, which was asked, was ‘So…do you think being surrounded by boys affects your learning’? The reason we found this the best question asked in this particular interview was because I gave a long and descriptive answer which explained that I don’t feel that working in an environment where there is mainly boys is distractive I also went into detail by saying how I feel that I mainly get on with boys rather then girls. We also came up with the conclusion that there was a question with the worst response, the question was ‘Rumors have it that if your in an all boys school it is really hard to study and concentrate because people are always looking for attention’.
The reason we chose this as our worst response was because when I replied to Ryan I only used a one worded answer which meant that I cut the interviewer short and that question was over and done with within a few seconds. I also feel that during the interview with Ryan it was really informal and more of a casual conversation rather than an interview which is good to a certain extend as you dont want to read and ask questions which you have prepared earlier and then just listening to the response, however you need to balance out the interview to make it formal however casual as well.   In the interview with myself and Ryan where Ryan portrayed the role of the interviewer he mainly did most of the speaking whereas it should have been myself the interviewee doing most of the talking, to resolve this mater next time we would use different questions which I could expand on and talk more about instead of giving short answers in response.
We then moved on to the next interview where myself interview Elliott and Ryan filmed. This interview went surprisingly well considering the topic of our interview was about Elliot’s car (whip!) and driving experience, Elliott was talking about the day of the test and the cars, myself being the interviewer found it really easier to expand on questions and rhetorical questions and could feed off of the answers he gave.