Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Soundtrack mindmap

Although these were our original ideas for our sound in our advert, we finally decided to change our soundtrack to Fix You by Coldplay. We found that this fitted our advert a lot better than some of our original ideas for our soundtrack.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Copyright Research

Copyright is a legal concept, enacted by most governments, giving the creator of the original work gives exclusive rights to. Generally, it is "the right to copy", but also gives the copyright holder the right to be credited for the work, to determine who may adapt the work to other forms, who may perform the work, who may financially benefit from it, and other related rights. Copyright applies to any medium, so you must not reproduce copyright protected work in another medium without permission, this can include, publishing photos on the internet, making a sound recording of a book, a painting of a photograph and many more.

As a general rule, the owner of the copyright is the person who created it, i.e. the author.  An author could be the writer, the composer, the artist, the producer or the publisher or another creator depending on the type of work. 
One important exception to this is when an employee creates a work in the course of their employment in which case the copyright owner will be the employer.

A copyright owner has both economic and moral rights. Economic rights cover acts that only the copyright owner can do or authorize.  These include the right to copy the work, distribute copies of it, rent or lend it, perform or show it, communicate it to the public (including making it available online) or adapt it (e.g. making it into a play).


There are a number of specified copyright exceptions in UK law which permit copying in certain circumstances (for instance for use in judicial proceedings) or for certain categories of people (for instance for those who are visually impaired).  More detailed information regarding these exceptions is beyond the scope of this overview but can be found in the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or on the UK Intellectual Property Office's website.
In addition to the specified exceptions, there exists a group of exemptions which fall within the scope of ‘fair dealing'.  Material reproduced for the purposes of non-commercial research or private study, for criticism or review or for the reporting of current events is included in this group.  If material is reproduced for these purposes, provided it is genuinely and fairly used for the stated purpose, and is accompanied by a sufficient acknowledgement, it may be considered fair dealing and thus exempt from clearance.  However, the test is subjective and will depend on the circumstances of each case.

Documentary Research Grading

U27 LO3

Grade: Distinction

the research is detailed and consistent, it is clear that you have put a lot of work into this. you have planned and researched to a near professional standard.

U5 LO1

Grade: Merit

the research is detailed and consistent, it is clear that you have put a lot of work into this. you have planned and researched to a near professional standard. But for this LO you need to say how research is a requirement for working to a brief.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Shot List For Interview

Shot List
Our interview consits of 21 shots. The shots can be seen as very repetative as we simply go from one cameram view to another, the reason we chose to have two cameras filming the interview was to make our edit work, we felt that our interview could go from one shot angle to another by using and effect such as fade, we also decided to use two cameras when filming our interview becuase we thought it would be effective when editing our interview to be able to use cross shots of James from different angles. It was also a sort of backup incase we lost any footage on one of the cameras we always had our other camera to rely on, we also found it a lot easier when editing and cutting out our sound that we could use one camera for the footage and the other for the sound, that way we were able to to cut our any stutters or long pauses we had when filming our interview.
Having two cameras as well also allowed us to have all different shots of the interview, we used some close ups and overview shots. This made our interview look very professional.
I feel that the shots do not seem as entertaining as our actual interview however here are a few examples of some of the shots we have:

This is an example of a close up shot. We decided to use close ups
so that we would able to see he's facial expressions as he answered
some of the questions.
See below for
more examples.
This shot is more of an overview, we decided to have a few
shots further back so that we were able to see he's gestures and 
hand movements when he was speaking.

animation equpiemnt

Set Design

Set Design

The drawing above shows our set design we have chosen for our animation. The set will consist of an apple mac computer, clampshop, webcam, light, side board, back drop and table. These are all important parts of our set to complete our final animation for our chosen charitey ' Teenage Cancer Trust '.